Digital Music Business
Artist Management Business
Rights Management Business
Showbiz Business
Physical and Merchandise Business
Other Business

The music
industry today
opens up the opportunity
to be
and different

GMM Grammy Public Company Limited operates
a full service in the entertainment industry,

creating a variety of works with quality
at an international level to deliver extensive
unlimited happiness.
We specialize in presenting
through the music business and artists.

To create
the next

01 Digital Music Business

The company produces and distributes music in digital
publishing works on online platforms such as
YouTube, Facebook,
Spotify, JOOX, Apple Music, iTunes,
and Tencent Music.
Users can access songs through
these platforms as desired or
download them for
offline listening, depending on
the platform's format.
Currently, the digital music business is a significant
revenue source
driving the growth of the global
music industry, including in Thailand.

02 Artist Management Business

Artists are a key factor in the company's business
Therefore, the company places great
importance on recruiting and
developing quality
artists. The recruitment and selection process
talent competitions and auditions held nationwide.

Those selected undergo comprehensive training and
at the world-class GMM Academy,
an institute known for producing
and developing
high-quality professional artists sustainably.
The company secures jobs and work opportunities
for its managed
artists, including live concert
performances at various venues
and product
presenter roles. Additionally, the company
involved in creatively designing these engagements
to meet
customer needs while incorporating the
artists' identities to
highlight their memorable strengths.

03 Rights Management Business

The company manages and collects royalty fees from

entrepreneurs and entities that wish to use the
company's music
and music-related content.
This includes record labels, partner
companies, and
commercial users such as radio stations, television

channels, online content creators, restaurants,
karaoke shops,
and various entertainment venues.
The company's royalty fee collection efforts also help
the Thai music industry's awareness of
the importance of
intellectual property.

04 Showbiz Business

The company operates under GMM SHOW, organizing
concerts and
music festivals. The company excels in
various aspects of
performance activities, including
creative performance concepts,
production, lineup
marketing, and diverse event themes
to generate fresh
and up-to-date ideas. Additionally, the company
close attention to every element of event organization,

such as lighting, sound, staging, food and beverage
and various attendee facilities. As a result,
the company's shows
are memorable and impressive,
consistently providing new
experiences for attendees.
The company's personnel are skilled in managing all
elements of
show organization. Coupled with a quality
music library and
talented artists, the company is
a strong leader in organizing
concerts and music festivals.
The main income for the showbiz business comes from
ticket sales,
sponsor support, and event activities.

05 Physical and Merchandise Business

The company produces and distributes music products,
tapes, DVDs, MP3s, USBs, various box sets,
vinyl records, and
turntables for vinyl. Sales are
conducted through various
channels, such as
traditional trade stores, modern trade stores,

retail stores, kiosks, online channels, and call centers.
Artists' merchandise, including souvenirs for concerts
festivals, and products created in collaboration
with artists,
are produced in limited quantities for
fans and the general public.

06 Other Business

The company operates a school specializing in singing,
dancing, and all forms of acting under
the name "BLKGEM."
The school adheres to international
standards and features
expert teachers such as
Khun Apissara Phetruengrong (Teacher Jda),

a Performance Master expert, and Khun Wittawat
(Teacher Jay), a Vocal Master expert.
The school is open to
the general public to develop
skills and abilities and serves as
a center for artist
development and talent searching.